
  • Комп'ютерна грамотність для дітей

    Computer literacy for children online or in the office

    Price: 350 ₴

    UAH 350 - 60 minutes - individual lesson

    30 занятий
    Read more
  • Java programming courses for children


    Create your own application - program in Java with us!
    Price: 347 ₴

    per month (4 lessons of 60min individually)

    UAH 350 - 60 minutes - individual lesson
    Read more
  • блогинг, blogging

    Marathon Blogging

    Price: 1500 ₴

    1500 - группа 4 ученика/ 2000 грн - дуєт / 3000 грн - индивидуально

    5 дней подряд по 2 занятия
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  • HTML и CSS

    Marathon WEB (graphics + programming)

    Price: 1500 ₴

    1500 - группа 4 ученика/ 2000 грн - дуєт / 3000 грн - индивидуально

    5 дней подряд по 2 занятия
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  • курс розробки ігор на Unity онлайн


    Создавать свои игровые миры, персонажей и даже свои правила просто с Unity!
    Price: 350 ₴

    UAH 350 - 60 minutes - individual lesson

    4 lessons of 1 hours individually
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  • Школа программирования для детей


    The second level is the markup language HTML and CSS.
    Price: 350 ₴

    UAH 350 - 60 minutes - individual lesson

    4 lessons of 1 hours individually
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  • Курс програмування JavaScript для дітей онлайн


    The third level is JavaScript.
    Price: 350 ₴

    UAH 350 - 60 minutes - individual lesson

    4 lessons of 1 hours individually
    Read more

The main provisions of the IT school

  • advantage-1

    Flexible and adaptive teaching method

    Depending on the level of the group, the dynamics of studying the subject and achieving goals changes.

  • advantage-2

    Different forms of learning

    Individually, in a duet, in a group (from 3 to 4 people). The teacher pays maximum attention to each student.

  • advantage-3

    Level training program

    Courses and classes are built on the principle of "step by step from simple to complex".

  • advantage-4

    Individual schedule of study

    The time and days are selected depending on the wishes of students. The duration of the lesson is also chosen by the student.

IT programming courses for children from 10 years of age

Computer programming courses for children at our IT school offer the following list for a specific age:

  • Programming courses in languages HTML / CSS / JAVASCRIPT
  • Programming courses in the language Python
  • Games creation courses using UNITY and programming language C#

These courses are related to text programming. In this direction, children will learn the basics of code writing, understand the principles of algorithms and create their games and peppers web page.

The School of Programming for Children offers two types of training: training in online programming and in the office on Art. m. Academgorodok and Art. m. Zhytomyr, there is also a branch in the village. Svyatopetrovsk.
Learning online programming takes place through disc meeting programs online or through We also use github.

IT courses – is an important step into the future of your child. The goal of the programming courses is not only to teach coding to children, but also to motivate and interest students in the field.

We also offer courses on computer graphics, namely:

The basics of Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop Drawing
Web design
Adobe Illustrator


Register for an online lesson

Take the first step towards a successful future of your child.

Child looks up!