
  • Фортепіано для дітей, Фортепиано для детей, Piano for children

    The ideal age to start learning to play the piano

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  • вебдизайн та програмування, веб-дизайнер и программирование, Web design and programming

    Why do you need web design and what is the difference between a web designer and a programmer

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  • Співбесіди в IT сфері, Interviews in the IT Sector

    Intellectual tasks for interviews in the IT field

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  • графічний дизайнер, Графический дизайнер, Graphic designer

    Graphic designer or artificial intelligence?

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  • Програмування

    Inventions that would not have appeared without programming

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  • Мова програмування JavaScript, Язык программирования JavaScript, The JavaScript programming language

    Difference between let, const and var in JavaScript: which one to use and when to use it

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  • Фотошоп для дітей, Фотошоп для детей, Photoshop for children

    How to create a fantastic image in Photoshop

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  • Додаток на Python, Приложение на Python, Python App

    How to create a simple task management application using Python and the Tkinter library

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  • Scratch для діток, Scratch for Kids

    How to create your own virtual animal in Scratch

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  • канал на YouTube

    How to create an avatar for a YouTube channel in Canva: a step-by-step guide

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  • Портрет в Photoshop, Portrait in Photoshop, Портрет у Photoshop

    Portrait in Photoshop: Techniques for creating the perfect portrait in Photoshop

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  • Уроки Scratch для детей, Scratch lessons

    Creating a musical composition using Scratch

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  • Програмування для тінейджерів онлайн, Программирование для тинейджеров онлайн, Programming for Teenagers Online

    The role of programming in modern sports: from data analysis to virtual reality

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  • Creating a website

    Text and Images in HTML and CSS: Tips for Creating Beautiful Content

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  • Блок-схеми в програмуванні

    Visual Programming: Using Flowcharts to Create Programs

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