
Explore 3D Design Options: 8 Ways to Get Creative

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From year to year, the number of specializations in the field of IT is increasing. It is difficult to imagine a sphere of life that would not be affected by the process of informatization and computerization. The productivity of technology is also increasing, which gives new perspectives to the activities of researchers, engineers, architects, graphic designers, developers, and other specialists. Amazing games with incredible graphics are emerging, powered by the Unity game engine, and the visuals of many films are almost indistinguishable from reality. 3D design – allows you to create three-dimensional images used in various fields.

3D Design: Is It Worth Exploring 3D Graphics?

And how can you further use the knowledge gained in this area?

We offer 8 points that will guide you into the world of 3D technologies, help you understand their diversity, and find the direction of your activity.

1. Design of buildings and structures.

Modern architectural masterpieces amaze with their grace. Why not feel like an architect and try to create your project for a house, apartment, or sports complex? SketchUp is ideal for creating simple models. For more serious tasks, it is recommended to use ArchiCAD, which allows you to create realistic renderings.

2. Interior design.

Designing an interior space is a job for designers. With the help of modern applications, you can visualize any object. 3D Max is often used for these purposes. Creating such models requires detail and a lot of time. The rendering process itself (exporting the model to a graphics format) can take several hours. Therefore, purposefulness and a powerful computer are essential for this work.

3. Creation of 3D models for freelance platforms.

On freelance platforms such as or, there are a variety of offers for creating models of household items, furniture, 3D images of goods for online stores, and other projects. The cost per model can range from 10 to several hundred dollars, depending on the complexity of the task. Thus, your passion for this direction can turn into a pleasant additional income.

4. Creation of three-dimensional games.

The game dev industry is at the top of its popularity. Minecraft, Counter-Strike, FIFA, and other 3D games captivate millions of players around the world. So why not try your hand at creating your own 3D game? To do this, it is helpful in use specialized development tools, such as Unity, as well as to master programming languages. Our school offers a variety of languages to learn from scratch for children and teenagers.

5. Development of 3D animated films.

Companies like Pixar, Disney, and DreamWorks are amazing with incredible 3D cartoons. And their views on domestic YouTube channels can reach hundreds of millions! There is a great demand for professionals who can create 3D cartoons and visualizations. You can work on cartoons in various applications such as 3D Maya.

6. Creating virtual worlds for VR headsets.

VR (virtual reality) is becoming more and more popular. Almost everyone can experience virtual reality by wearing a special headset with sound effects and a movable chair, which gives the impression of being completely immersed in the virtual world. Developing such virtual worlds can be an exciting undertaking.

7. Modeling of physical phenomena.

If you are interested in studying the world around you, experimenting, and studying natural processes, try creating a model of some natural phenomenon. With programs like Blender, you can create realistic models of physical events, change their parameters, and observe the results. For example, you can simulate the movement of sea waves, the movement of sand, explosions, and more. IT school GoMother has a course on learning the Blender program. Turning ideas into reality through impressive 3D designs is something anyone can do.

8. Manufacturing on a 3D printer.

Recently, 3D printers that can print three-dimensional models seemed like something of a fantasy. However, at present, there are many offers of these devices at a fairly affordable price. This means you can start making your models and printing them very easily. To do this, you need to create a model in a 3D program, convert it to a format supported by the device (usually an STL file), and load it into a printer for printing. In this way, toys, jewelry, phone stands, and much more can be produced. Your possibilities are only limited by your imagination!

So, there are many motives for immersing yourself in the world of 3D modeling. Training in this area at the GoMother IT school begins with basic skills and programs. Subsequently, the study becomes more complex and covers the professional Blender program.

The 3D design opens up endless possibilities, so let’s dive into the world of art together!

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