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Game Development Courses on Unity Online – the first step to GameDev

Unity Online Game Development Course (online-course) teaches you to create games from scratch using the Unity program. This platform for 2D and 3D games allows you to implement the idea. Unity 3D – allows you to develop games for various operating systems. Also on the basis of this program, children will be able to master the basics of programming in C # or JavaScript, which will give impetus to the choice of IT profession in the future. At the beginning of the online training course, no special training is required – we teach from scratch.

Program of game development course on Unity online:

  1. Interface familiarization
  2. Creating a game scene and a squeak
  3. Variables and basic functions
  4. Objects, components, conditional operations, and cycles
  5. Structure of landscape and walls
  6. Binding setting
  7. Terrain detail and lighting
  8. Adding player and enemies
  9. Click tracking
  10. Add Fire and Enemy Controller
  11. Interface
  12. Particle System and Adding Sounds

Courses of game development on Unity online – stages of training:

1st stage – create 2D game, learn interface, basics of unity, basic mechanics of movement and shooting. (6-8 lessons)
2st stage – create 2D game “3 in a row”, work with the functions of sprites and components (8-10 lessons)
3st stage – create 3D race, learn new interface functions, work with 3D models, textures, objects, landscape, learn to make menus (10-12 lessons)
4st stage – create 3D RPG, learn how to work with animation and hood-interface (6-10 lessons) depending on the complexity of the game

Game modules are written in C#

The result of the game development course on Unity Online:

Unity Game Development Courses develop the ability to develop games on the Unity platform and compose elements. Knowledge of the features of the programming language C# about JavaScript. The student will experience working out the logic of the game, programming it and creating characters. Familiarity with physics and moving characters in 3D, learn to add audio. And create your own game.
For online lessons, a student-friendly program is used. We offer hangouts and discord or leave the choice to the student. So we choose a convenient time for classes based on the wishes of the student.


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    Platformer game

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    Age: 13

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    Labyrinth game

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    Author: Яцко Артем

    Age: 10

  • Уроки створення ігор на unity


    In unity programming lessons, students create games. Starting with small 2D games and gradually increasing the level of complexity of the game. Game modules are written in the C# programming language. In the game you have to dodge fireballs. Control the character using the left and right arrows or “A” and “D” for walking and the “Space” button for jumping. If the character touches the fireball, the game ends

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    Age: 14

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    Author: Ткаченко Тимофій Олександрович

    Age: 13

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    Age: 13

    See result
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    Author: Латков Максим

    Study period: 6 month

    Age: 10

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    Study period: 6 month

    Age: 11

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    New Year’s game (Competitive work)

    Tkachenko Timofei made a game for the competition in the category: New Year game “Collect gifts”. The game is written in C# programming language on the Unity platform. The objective of the game is to control the character and find Santa’s assistant.

    Author: Ткаченко Тимофей

    Age: 13

    See result
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    Student’s work at the first level

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    Author: Ян Малышев

    Study period: 3 month

    Age: 11

    See result
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    Student’s Job – Game 3D

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    Author: Амосов Саша

    Study period: 6 month

    Age: 11

    See result
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