Photoshop Computer Graphics Course

The first level - discover the magical universe of graphic design Photoshop
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Photoshop Computer Graphics Course “The Basics of Adobe Photoshop”

Photoshop computer graphics courses are based on the study of the basics of Photoshop tools and functions. In the lessons in this direction, children can easily edit color, contrast, lighting, color balance, remove superfluous objects, apply filters and do much more. The Photoshop computer graphics course is based on this software because it allows you to get the result of each lesson and contains the basic concepts and principles of image processing. All for image processing in one program!

The program of the course “Basics of Adobe Photoshop” online:

  1. Introduction to Adobe Photoshop. Basic tools, working with layers.
  2. Composition and aerial perspective. Work with brushes and basic selection tools.
  3. The “Linear Gradient” tool and its use in work.
  4. Selection of objects. Overlay modes, creation of glow effects.
  5. Layer masks and possibilities of their use.
  6. Creation of photobash compositions. Working with adjustment layers.
  7. Photo retouching tools: “Stamp”, “Recovery point brush”, “Patch”. Work through Dodge & Burn.
  8. The basics of vector graphics. The “Pen” tool, its types, working with the tool.
  9. Text tool. Working with text. Layer Style tab.
  10. Gradient maps and details about blending modes.
  11. Filters in Adobe Photoshop.
  12. Selection of complex objects, selection of hair, wool.
  13. Channel mixing, photo color correction.
  14. Basic principles of animation. Frame-by-frame animation in Adobe Photoshop.
  15. The basics of 3D, extrusion, creating 3D objects in Photoshop.

For students who want to deepen their knowledge, we offer an additional mini-course that will help you reach a new level of Adobe Photoshop knowledge in 4 directions:

Topic 1: Photo

  • retouching Skin retouching and the method of frequency decomposition of photos.
  • Plastic filter.
  • Light shadow correction.
  • Color correction, white balance.
  • Finalization of portrait photography.

Topic 2: Complex Phototower Compositions

  • Double exposure effect.
  • Details about aerial perspective and composition.
  • Consolidation of skills in working with masks, adjustment layers and selected tools.
  • Correct selection of references, development of creative thinking.
  • Final project: creating a realistic photobash of compositions.

Topic 3: Linear perspective using a perspective grid at work

  • Types of perspective
  • Creating and using a perspective grid at work
  • Own project using a perspective grid

Topic 4 Design basics, developing interface elements

  • Basic design principles.
  • The concept of vector and raster graphics that work with these types of graphics.
  • Creation of modular grids, for which they are needed.
  • Development of own logos.

The result of the course of basics of Adobe Photoshop online:

Students will learn to correct the defects of photos and images. Make collages with various effects. Will be able to create layouts of sites and graphics. Will create beautiful and original postcards. Everyone will find in this program the direction that is closer and more interesting for him to use his skills in the future. Children who have mastered our course will have a promising future in the field of computer design!

Creativity reveals all the facets and peculiarities of individuality, helps self-expression. Touch the world of real modern art. We will teach you to create not just images, but modern digital art.

Courses are held online


  • курс фотошопа с нуля


    Computer graphics courses give realization of a creative personality. Creativity reveals all facets and features of individuality, helps self-expression. Touch the world of real modern art. We will teach you to create not just wishes, but to create modern digital art.

    Author: Pasha

    Study period: 6 month

    Age: 15

    See result
  • Уроки photoshop с нуля

    Student’s works, his inspiration

    The student, inspired by his favorite topic, creates such an interesting graphic. Photoshop lessons for children are a great opportunity to learn the basics of working with this program, to master the main basic tools. This can become the foundation for building a successful career in various directions in the future.

    Author: Pasha

    Study period: 6 month

    Age: 15

    See result
  • Курси фотошоп для дітей

    The result of working with layer masks, adjustment layers

    Photoshop courses for children are an opportunity to learn how to express yourself through graphics. In the lesson that resulted in this work, we learned how to work with layer masks, adjustment layers and blending modes. The talented student Polina mastered the material and created a magnificent picture.

    Author: Полина

    Study period: 3 месяца

    Age: 8

    See result
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    Work in the lesson with overlay

    In graphic design lessons, students work in Photoshop. In it, they create different works on the topic of the lesson. Because of the favorite works of our students: collage, filters, color correction and more. Here in this lesson, the student made one out of several pictures) An interesting plot.

    Author: Sasha

    Study period: 3 month

    Age: 11

    See result
  • Уроки photoshop для дітей

    Work “Collage”

    OPEN THE WORLD OF ART IN YOUR CHILD’S COMPUTER GRAPHICS! Photoshop lessons for children are a great opportunity to learn the basics of working with this program, to master the main basic tools. This will become the foundation for building a successful career in various fields in the future. Alexandra masters photoshop step by step and shows us her progress)

    Author: Alexandra Pirogova

    Study period: 6 month

    Age: 11

    See result
  • фотошоп для дітей

    Forest beauty

    Photoshop lessons for children are a great opportunity to learn the basics of working with this program, to master the basic basic tools. This can be the foundation for building a successful career in different areas in the future. Diana is a talented girl who has found her job. Creativity is self-expression. Through the creation of drawings, students reveal their inner world and it is wonderful!

    Author: Diana

    Study period: 6 month

    Age: 11

    See result
  • Уроки фотошоп

    Simple but very effective Photoshop tools

    Simple but very effective Photoshop tools.
    The main feature of the Dodge Tool/Burn Tool is the illumination/dimming of individual areas of the image. In fact, you can «draw» dimming or vice versa – illuminate the picture.
    Range – Select your application. You can use this tool on dark (Shadows), light (Highlights) or neutral (Midtones) areas of photos.
    Exposure is the force of influence. It is very important to put the force of influence correctly.
    You can learn more in our lessons)

    Author: Тимофей

    Study period: 3 month

    Age: 12

  • Курси вебдизайну онлайн

    Talented student + half hour of lesson = Logo for cafe

    The author of this logo Diana, she not so long ago is engaged in Photoshop, but has already mastered the basic tools and created a logo for the cat cafe. With the help of Adobe Photoshop the child will be able to implement any idea. Also, knowledge of this program opens up a wide range of modern professions. In the course of web design we will teach not only how to use Photoshop tools, but also how to combine colors, fonts, as well as basic aspects that relate to web design.

    Author: Диана

    Age: 12

    See result
  • Курси фотошоп для дітей онлайн

    Simple figure drawing

    The drawing is created in the program Adobe Photoshop with the help of the tool simple shapes. Photoshop courses for children online is an opportunity to edit finished images or create your masterpieces. This drawing was created by Gleb, who has been doing it for three months. If you also like to draw or edit photos, we invite you to the Adobe Photoshop Basics course.

    Author: Глеб

    Study period: 3 month

    Age: 12

    See result
  • Space

    In Adobe Photoshop, you can not only draw, but also transform images, creating unique images. With the help of different tools and functions. Miroslav is engaged in the course of the basics of Adobe Photoshop 2 months. And can boast of his learning results.

    Author: Мирослава

    Study period: 2 month

    Age: 12

    See result
  • Курси фотошоп


    The Adobe Photoshop course aims to develop the direction that the child is interested in. Thus, the child always has the motivation to learn further seeing their results. In just 1 month of training Gleb mastered the brightness and contrast of the function, transformation and deformation of objects, color replacement and other basic tools of the program Photoshop.

    Author: Глеб

    Study period: 1 month

    Age: 13

    See result
  • Основы Фотошоп

    Photoshop Magic

    The magic of Photoshop is to create a work of modern art from ordinary photography. Gleb, who has been studying Photoshop for a month and already has the results. At Photoshop, children learn the basic tools and functions of Photoshop. As a result, children can easily edit color, contrast, lighting, color balance, remove superfluous objects, apply filters and do much more.

    Author: Глеб

    Study period: 1 month

    Age: 13

    See result
  • Курси фотошоп Академгородок

    Work “Unique Art”

    Pasha took part in the annual educational camp “Spring IT camp”. On the leger Pasha mastered the basics of Adobe Photoshop. And mastered the main basic tools and functions of Photoshop. And created his unique art.

    Author: Щипский Павел

    Study period: 1 week

    Age: 13

  • Курси фотошоп Академмістечко

    Work “Book Cover”

    Pasha was at the spring camp and got acquainted with the program Adobe Photoshop. The boy in the raincoat he drew on paper, then moved the drawing into the digital space and in Adobe Photoshop processed the drawing, made a color correction and created the background.

    Author: Щипский Павел

    Study period: 1 week

    Age: 13

  • Курси фотошоп Академмістечко

    Lesson work Photoshop

    In three months of studying, Daria learned to work with different types of images, create animations, create emotional illustrations in Photoshop. Courses are held online

    Author: Олейник Дария

    Study period: 3 month

    Age: 11

    See result
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