
How to Create Your First Python App: Step-by-Step Guide

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Python programming for kids is a great way to learn how to build applications from scratch! If you’re new and want to make your first app, this guide will help you take your first steps in programming.

What Will We Create?

We’ll make a simple app – a “Guess the Number” game. In this game, the user will try to guess a number the computer chooses. This project is ideal for a first program because it involves basic programming logic: conditionals and loops.

Step 1: Install Python

  1. Go to the Python website and download the latest version of Python for your operating system.
  2. Install Python by following the on-screen instructions. Be sure to select the “Add Python to PATH” option during installation.

Step 2: Choose a Coding Environment

To make coding easier, you can use a text editor (such as VS Code or PyCharm). Once installed, create a new file with the .py extension (for example,

Step 3: Write the Code

Now, let’s start writing the program! Enter the following code step-by-step to understand how each part works.

  • Import the Library
import random

We use the random library so the computer can “choose” a random number.

  • Create the Game Logic
print("Hello! This is the 'Guess the Number' game")

Here, we display a greeting so the user knows the program is running.

number = random.randint(1, 100)

The function random.randint(1, 100) chooses a random number from 1 to 100 for the user to guess.

guess = None
tries = 0

We set up the variables guess (the guessed number) and tries (number of attempts) to control the game.

  • Run the Guessing Loop
while guess != number:
guess = int(input("Enter your guess: "))
tries += 1
if guess < number:
print(“Try a higher number!”)
elif guess > number:
print(“Try a lower number!”)
print(f”Congratulations! You guessed the number {number} in {tries} tries.”)

This loop continues until the user guesses the number. Each time the user enters a guess, the program hints whether they should try a higher or lower number, based on their current guess.

Python programming for kids opens up opportunities to learn the basics of coding and create their apps, games, and projects

Step 4: Run the Program

Save the file and run it by pressing Run or by using the terminal command:


Congratulations! You’ve now created your first Python game!

Step 5: Improve Your App

Here are a few ideas to make the program more interesting:

  • Add more hints to make guessing easier.
  • Create an option to select the difficulty level (such as guessing numbers up to 50 or up to 1000).
  • Add a counter that displays the number of attempts after each incorrect guess.


Python programming for kids allows you to learn quickly and create fun apps, even if you’re just starting on your programming journey. We hope this guide helped you develop your first app and inspired you to try new creative projects. We invite you to learn the Python programming language on a course from the GoMother “Python” IT school. This course is designed by experienced teachers for children and teenagers from 8 years old. Do not delay and sign up for the first free lesson.

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