Step-by-step instructions on how to create a bot in Telegram
In the world of modern technology, creating a telegram bot has become not only a current trend but also an exciting opportunity to expand your programming skills. This article offers you a unique opportunity to learn the steps to create your telegram bot using the Python programming language. We will consider not only the main aspects of interaction with the Telegram API but also will expand in detail the generation of interesting horoscopes for every day. Join us and together we will explore and develop this interesting project step by step!
Creating a telegram bot to create a horoscope requires several steps. Here are step-by-step instructions using the Python programming language and the python-telegram-bot library:
1. Creating a telegram bot:
- Open Telegram and go to “BotFather” – the official bot for creating and managing other bots.
- Type the command ‘/newbot’ and follow the instructions to create a new bot.
- Remember the token BotFather gave you – this will be the key to interacting with the Telegram API.
2. Install the python-telegram-bot library:
Install the python-telegram-bot library using pip:
pip install python-telegram-bot
3. Create a file for the bot:
Create a new Python file, for example, ‘horoscope_bot.py’, and open it for editing.
4. Code for the bot:
Paste the following code into the ‘horoscope_bot.py’ file:
from telegram import Update
from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, CallbackContext
import random
# Instead of ‘YOUR_TOKEN’ insert the token issued by BotFather
def start(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
update.message.reply_text(‘Hi! I’m your horoscope generation bot. Enter /horoscope to find out your horoscope for today.’)
def horoscope(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
signs = [‘Aries’, ‘Taurus’, ‘Gemini’, ‘Cancer’, ‘Leo’, ‘Virgo’, ‘Libra’, ‘Scorpio’, ‘Sagittarius’, ‘Capricorn’, ‘Aquarius’, ‘Pisces’ ]
random_sign = random.choice(signs)
horoscope_text horoscope for today for {random_sign}:\n{generate_horoscope()}’
update e.message.reply_text(horoscope_text)
def generate_horoscope() -> str:
# Your code for generating a horoscope can be here
# For example, you can use external APIs to get real horoscopes
return ‘You’re having a great day today!’
def main() -> None:
updater = Updater(TOKEN)
dp = updater.dispatcher
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler(“start”, start))
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler(“horoscope”, horoscope))
if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
In this code, the ‘generate_horoscope’ function is where you can implement the horoscope generation. In this code, this function returns the established string “Today is a wonderful day for you!”, but you can change this string to a real horoscope, which you can get from an Internet resource or your source.
5. Launch your bot in Telegram:
Run the ‘horoscope_bot.py’ file. This can be done from the command line:
python horoscope_bot.py
Ensure your bot displays the message: “Hi! I’m your horoscope bot” when commanded ‘/start’ and provides a horoscope when commanded ‘/horoscope’.
6. Interaction with the bot:
Add the bot to Telegram and use the ‘/start’ and ‘/horoscope’ commands to test its functionality. The bot should answer you according to the implemented logic.
7. Creating a telegram bot: improvement
- You can expand the work by adding the ability to select a zodiac sign or even make predictions for a certain period (for example, a week).
- If you want to use a real horoscope, consider using open APIs to get current data.
With these instructions, you have a basic telegram bot for generating horoscopes. You may need a little tweaking and tweaking, but it’s a good base for your project.
To conclude this journey into the world of programming and developing chatbots in Telegram, it can be noted that creating your bot is an interesting project and a great way to learn the Python programming language. Having identified the main aspects of interaction with the Telegram API, you are now ready to implement your ideas and improve your bot.
Don’t forget that for those who want to learn Python and get the basics of programming, GoMother IT School offers courses for children from 8 years old. These courses are available online or at the training center at Akademgorodok metro station, Zhitomirskaya metro station.
Learn Python with a team of professionals and implement your ideas in the world of programming!