Preparation for NMT: how to quickly prepare for a high score
Preparation for NMT in 2023. Just like in the past, conducting a regular ZNO is impossible due to a full-scale war. Instead, 2023 undergraduate applicants will take a national multi-subject test (NMT) of three subjects, one of which can now be self-selected.
The main subjects, as last year, will be the Ukrainian language and mathematics. The history of Ukraine, a foreign language (English, German, French, Spanish), biology, chemistry, and physics appeared among the optional subjects.
The main session of NMT will begin on June 5, so for those who plan to take the test and enter higher education, it is time to actively repeat what they have learned and learn new material.
Preparation for NMT: in this article, GoMother School will tell you how to prepare for NMT in the main subjects and history of Ukraine, as well as what approaches are effective when repeating/studying material from other disciplines.
What will be NMT-2023?
UTSOYAO certifies that the tasks for the NMT will fully correspond to the content of the ZNO program in all the named subjects.
Tests on the Ukrainian language, the history of Ukraine, chemistry, and biology will consist of 30 tasks of varying difficulty. There will be 22 tasks in mathematics, 32 in a foreign language, and 20 in physics.
The duration of the test will be 180 minutes. 60 minutes are allotted for each block, but participants will have the opportunity to allocate their time independently.
NMT will be held in two sessions:
– Main session: from June 5 to 23.
– Additional session: from July 11 to 24.
Demonstration options of tasks and online testers are already available and recommended for use during preparation for the NMT. You can find them at the link.
NMT will be held in specially equipped computer classrooms of educational institutions, which are considered temporary examination centers (TEC) in various settlements.
Also, Ukrainian applicants living abroad due to the war will be able to take the NMT. So far, the Ministry of Education and Culture has confirmed the agreement to hold NMT in 21 countries.
Preparation for NMT: basic approaches
✅ Step 1: Identification of weak points
Review the external examination program and take several demonstration tests of the subjects you will take at the NMT. Analyze your results and identify the topics you should focus on during revision.
✅ Step 2: Active learning
Passive learning, such as simply listening to lectures or re-reading textbooks, is not effective. Instead, use deliberate practice or active learning. After studying the theoretical part, proceed immediately to the implementation of practical tasks. This approach will help consolidate knowledge in practice.
✅ Step 3: Error analysis and correction
After completing the tasks, analyze your mistakes. Identify the gaps and go back to the theoretical material for revision. Then do the practice exercises again. Keep practicing until you get the perfect result. It is important to understand that the difficulty of learning and exercises indicates your progress.
These approaches will help you effectively prepare for NMT and acquire the necessary knowledge in all subjects.
✅ Step 4: Repetition of the material
For better memorization of forgotten, unstudied or new material, it is recommended to repeat it several times at different time intervals.
We recommend using the delayed repetition practice. You need to study the material that is difficult for you, and then return to it the next day for repetition, then in a few days, then in a week, or two. In this way, you increase the time between repetitions. This allows you to repeat material over and over again but do it efficiently. You repeat just when you start to forget.
The principle of distributed repetition is often used in the study of foreign languages, but in fact, it is universal and can be applied to any subject.
How to prepare for NMT in mathematics?
In preparing for NMT in mathematics, you need to pay attention to topics such as algebra and geometry, which were studied at school. The main blocks of the test include the following topics:
- “Numbers and expressions”;
- “Equations, inequalities, and their systems”;
- “Functions”;
- “Probability of a random event, sampling characteristics (average value), analysis of charts and graphs”;
- “Planimetry”;
- “Stereometry”.
When preparing for NMT, it is recommended to pay special attention to functions, their properties, and graphs. Also, it is worth practicing solving problems with a parameter, since this is a predicted element of the test.
For effective training, it is recommended to make a plan and set aside at least two hours for training every day. This will allow you to “immerse yourself” in mathematics and systematically train your brain, develop problem-solving and exercise skills, as well as memory.
During testing, it is allowed to use some reference materials, such as geometry formulas, logarithms, trigonometry materials, etc. However, it is recommended to activate the visual memory and remember the location of the main formulas, figures, and tables that are often used. This will allow for saving time searching for the necessary formulas.
Preparation for the NMT in mathematics can use that year’s tests, as well as manuals that contain exercises and theory. Here are a few that will be helpful:
- Math. Final simulator for preparation for NMT-2023
- Manuals from the authors O.S. Easter, Yu.O. Zakhariychenko, L.P. Halperina, A.M. Kapinosov, and others.
Also useful are online platforms that contain a lot of materials for comprehensive preparation for NMT in various subjects, such as “To the lesson”, and “My class”.
The general systematic study of the theory and its practical application is the key to successfully passing the test. It is important to regularly improve the skills of solving problems and exercises, as well as to remember the learned formulas and properties. Collecting a sufficient number of practice problems and practicing every day will help you prepare for the NMT in mathematics more effectively.
Preparation for NMT in the Ukrainian language
The content of NMT tasks in the Ukrainian language covers the following topics:
1. Phonetics, graphics, orthography, spelling.
2. Lexicology, phraseology.
3. Word structure, word structure.
4. Morphology.
5. Syntax.
6. Stylistics.
7. Development of speech.
UTSOYAO reported that in this year’s tests, less attention will be paid to the sections “Stylistics” and “Speech development” due to the computer-based test format, which does not allow the use of tasks with written extended or short answers.
The content of NMT tasks in the Ukrainian language includes topics that are covered by the foreign language program.
Preparation for NMT: 3 important points
- To single out topics that require a more detailed study by performing 7-8 demonstration versions of NMT or VET of previous years.
- Analyze errors carefully, paying attention to repeated spelling/punctuation in each variant.
- Do as many tasks and tests as possible to gain practice, as the NMT/VET tasks often have a similar structure but different conditions.
We advise you to pay attention to the following topics or tasks:
1. Types of monosyllabic sentences.
2. Separate clauses.
3. Cancellation of numerals.
4. Punctuation marks in a compound sentence without conjunction.
5. Spelling of adverbs, in particular separately.
6. Phraseologisms.
Since students most often make mistakes precisely in the tasks related to the listed topics.
The most effective approach when preparing for such tests is to be systematic! We recommend working on improving your language skills at least three times a week for 2-3 hours.
Only taking tests is not an effective way to prepare for NMT, it is much better to first read the rule about the topic, and then consolidate the learned rule by doing exercises and tests.
When preparing for NMT, we recommend using the following guides:
- Z. Tyshchenko, I. Litvinova. “Ukrainian language and literature. Test notebooks”.
- I. Litvinova, S. Butko, Yu. Garyunova, Z. Tyshchenko. “Ukrainian language. Interactive handbook-workshop with tests”.
- I. Hvorostyanyi. “Ukrainian language: life hacks. ZNO without unnecessary tension”.
In addition, during the preparation for NMT, you can use free platforms:
- Educational project “Language is the DNA of the nation”;
- Ukrainian spelling trainer;
- Oleksandr Avramenko’s website with online lessons.
How to prepare for the NMT on the history of Ukraine
Contrary to the fact that the history of Ukraine has become an optional subject on the national external independent assessment (NEM) this year, the Ukrainian Center for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education (UCEA) predicts that the majority of participants will still choose the history of Ukraine as the third subject for taking the test.
The block of history of Ukraine at NMT will consist of tasks related to the period from 1914 to the beginning of the XXI century. Tasks on the history of Ukraine will cover such topics as Ukraine during the First World War, the beginning of the Ukrainian Revolution, the struggle for the restoration of statehood, the establishment of a communist totalitarian regime, Ukraine during the Second World War, the conditions of de-Stalinization, and others.
There will be 20 tasks in the block of history of Ukraine on the NMT
Of which 15 will be options with the choice of one correct answer from four options, and 5 tasks will be for matching.
When preparing for the NMT on the history of Ukraine, you can use the following resources: tests of past years, which are posted on the website of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, video explanations of the tasks of the past years’ external examinations, short thematic tests in the online tester on the history of Ukraine on the website of the Lviv Regional Center for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education, as well as a simulator on the history of Ukraine on the same website. These resources will help to better remember the dates of historical events, and monuments from the history of Ukraine and contain test tasks with the image of historical figures, etc.
We urge students not to memorize dry facts because in the context of the history of Ukraine, understanding the context of events works better. One of the effective methods is the creation of a reference synopsis, in which key figures, dates, surnames, definitions, etc. are written out. After each chapter, it is recommended to close the textbook and try to recall in memory all the key points that were written in the synopsis.
Advice that will be useful during preparation:
✅ To systematize key events in the history of Ukraine, you can use diagrams and timelines, and create block diagrams or genealogical trees.
✅ During preparation for NMT, it is useful to watch short documentaries that help to give “life” to dry facts from textbooks with the help of emotions and bright images. For this, you can use the following resources:
– YouTube channel “Historical Truth”;
– YouTube channel “History without myths”;
– “WAS: Popular History” YouTube channel.
✅ An effective method is also to create associations between events or historical figures and personal things: age, favorite series, idols, or interests. You can associate a certain date with the release of your favorite songs, movies, or books.
✅ Try not only to remember dates but also to understand cause-and-effect relationships. For example, if you need to remember several unions, such as Krevska, Lublinska, Horodelska, and Beresteiska, establish logical connections between them.
GoMother School has qualified tutors for all school subjects who can help applicants quickly prepare for NMT. Our goal is to present information in an accessible manner and clarify topics that are difficult for the student. Such an individual approach guarantees a high result on examination tests. We have online classes and are always happy to see you for face-to-face classes in Kyiv.
We wish you easy preparation and high scores!