
Step-by-step instructions on how to create your own game using Python

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Computer courses for children online are becoming more and more popular. Knowledge of programming, in particular the Python language, can become valuable in the future for children, which is why many parents turn to schools that offer programming courses. One such school is GoMother, which offers step-by-step instructions for building their own simple game with Python.

Install the software

First of all, you need to have Python programming software. If it is not on your computer, you can download the installation file from the official Python website.

Next, you need to open a code editor such as Visual Studio Code or PyCharm. After that, you need to create a new file with the “.py” extension and start writing code.

Computer courses for children online, in particular, GoMother, will teach your child to create simple programs, games, and applications, and one of these programs can be the Guess the Number game.

To begin with, let’s create a “number” variable, in which we will write a random number from 1 to 100. To do this, we use the “random” module and its “randint” function.


import random

number = random randint(1, 100)


Now let’s create the “guesses” variable, in which we will record the number of times the player tries to guess the number. And the initial value of the “guesses” variable will be 0.


guesses = 0


Next, we will create a “while” loop in which the player will guess the number. In the loop, you need to display an invitation to enter a number and increase the guesses variable by 1. After that, compare the entered number with a random number. If it is greater than a random number, we will display the message “The specified number is less than”. If it is less than a random number, we will display the message “The specified number is greater”. And if a random number is guessed, we will display the message “Hello! You guessed the number in “guesses” attempts!” and end the game with the Break statement.


while True:

guess = int(input(“Enter a number from 1 to 100: “))

guesses += 1

if guess > number:

print(“The hidden number is less”)

elif guess < number:

print(“The hidden number is greater”)


print(f”Hi! You guessed the number in {guesses} attempts!”)



So our code should look like this:


import random

number = random randint(1, 100)

guesses = 0

while True:

guess = int(input(“Enter a number from 1 to 100: “))

guesses += 1

if guess > number:

print(“The hidden number is less”)

elif guess < number:

print(“The hidden number is greater”)


print(f”Hi! You guessed the number in {guesses} attempts!”)



Thus, knowledge of Python programming can be very useful in the future for children. Computer courses for children online will teach your child to program and help develop logical thinking and creativity. Enroll your child in a Python programming course at GoMother and allow them to develop their potential in the world of technology.

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