
Minecraft – so what benefit can the time spent playing Minecraft bring to a child?

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Minecraft as a game for children and programming: what is the connection?

Minecraft is a popular computer game for children that can help a child not only develop logic and creative thinking, but also allow them to master programming.

If your child devotes a lot of time to computer games like Minecraft, and you are very worried because of this, you are doing it in vain! In fact, when a child plays this kind of game, he develops certain useful skills and abilities and this certainly does not harm him, but rather even helps him develop in certain directions.

Let’s take a closer look at what Minecraft is and why if your child plays it, it’s good for him.

Minecraft is a video game in which the main activity is to build a whole world from cubes that look like pixels. In fact, this game is already about 13 years old, and during this time, about 200 million copies of licenses for this game have been released. This game does not have a specific single goal and is not limited by the number of levels. The world of this game has several modes. The first mode is creative, playing in this mode, the main goal is to design and create your own objects, while there is no threat to the player. The second mode is “survival”. In this mode, the main tasks are the extraction of the necessary resources for survival and protection from monsters.

Minecraft programming for kids
Minecraft programming for kids

Why does a child spend time usefully while playing minecraft?

This game sets a goal for the child to achieve by offering various obstacles. The main task of the child during the game is the use of logic, with the help of which the child will be able to achieve the goal in the game, avoiding being killed by a monster. To do this, the child needs to work hard, namely, in a short time to analyze the situation, choose the best ways to solve the problem and try to implement them. All this trains logic, flexibility of the mind, the ability to solve complex problems, and achieve goals.

Also, among the main important skills that a child will receive when playing Minecraft is the ability to program, because if he needs to develop his world in the game, he will need to write programs. They are usually written in languages ​​such as Java, JavaScript, Python, and any other languages ​​that will help create the kind of objects that the child needs to build objects.

Why do we need computer courses for children who will teach him how to play Minecraft?

Minecraft for kids programming
Minecraft for kids programming

In fact, there are computer courses that teach children how to play minecraft and explain the basic elements of programming that will help the child achieve goals in the game and construct the necessary engineering objects. Minecraft courses will immerse him in the world of algorithms in a playful way. Taking courses will help you get one step closer to programming and getting an IT profession in the future.

We offer to learn programming for children in Minecraft with the help of our courses

In order for your child to learn programming lessons and professionally approach the design of objects in Minecraft, he will need to understand the basic principle of working with the Mcreator module. After getting acquainted with this module, your child will be able to start learning more complex programming elements such as Python, which is already a professional programming language.

We help the child at every stage of acquaintance with the Minecraft game universe, explaining the structure of the game to him, introducing him to its possibilities and solutions. Our courses are held online or at locations: Akademgorodok metro station, Zhitomirskaya metro station. As a platform for online classes, we offer discord or hangouts. Our Go-Mother IT school is open seven days a week and provides its students with a choice of convenient time for classes.

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