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Dates of the history of Ukraine before 1569.
ZNO online history of Ukraine this year will not take place. But knowing important dates in history is now a guarantee of self-identity. In this article we will set out all the dates to 1569. By the time the Ukrainian lands were under the rule of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The growth of the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people.
In order to quickly remember all the important events in the history of Ukraine, you need to use all kinds of memory.
- Emotional. Preserves the feelings, experiences that accompanied a certain event.
We will never forget February 24, 2022, because strong emotions will imprint this date in our memory forever. Hold on, everything will be Ukraine! - Motor. Allows you to absorb new data when writing.
So we take a piece of paper and a pen and write. At least 10 times, thoughtfully, you need to write down all the important dates (written below) - Figurative. It is characterized by the storage of the presented images on the basis of auditory, visual, gustatory or tactile information.
To better remember the dates, fantasize and add a visual image to each. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. - Verbal and logical. It is based on the formation of opinions when interacting with data, understanding anything.
Think about the date, the event. Analyze, imagine. Justify the event based on time.
The main dates for preparing for the online history of Ukraine:
What was before
- 1 million years ago – the appearance of the most ancient people on the territory of modern Ukraine.
- 1 million – 11 thousand years ago – the Paleolithic or the ancient stone age.
- Approximately 40-35 thousand years ago – the appearance on the territory of modern Ukraine of a man of the modern type.
- 10-8 thousand years ago – Mesolithic or Middle Stone Age.
- 8-5 thousand years ago – Neolithic or New Stone Age.
- Beginning 4 – the middle of 3 thousand BC. e – Eneolithic or Copper-Stone Age.
- 2 thousand BC – VIII century. BC – Bronze Age.
- VIII-IV centuries. BC – Early Iron Age.
- IX-VII Art. BC – dominance of the Cimmerians in the northern steppes of Ukraine.
- VII-III Art. BC – Stay on the Ukrainian lands “Scythians”
- III Art. BC – III Art. not. – living in the south of Ukraine Sarmatians.
- I-II Art. – the first mention of the Slavs-Vendi in written sources.
- III-IV centuries. – stay ready on Ukrainian lands.
- V-VII Art. – a large Slavic settlement.
The emergence and flourishing of Kievan Rus
- End of VIII – beginning of IX century. – formation of the Kyiv principality
- 860 – The first campaign of the Russians, led by Prince Askold, to Constantinople (Tsargrad)
- 882 – the murder of Prince Askold and the seizure of princely power in Kyiv by Oleg. The emergence of the state of Kievan Rus
- 907, 911 – Prince Oleg’s campaigns against Tsargrad
- 941, 944 – Prince Igor’s campaigns against Byzantium
- 945 – The uprising of the Drevlyans and the murder of Prince Igor
- 946 – Embassy of Princess Olga in Tsargrad
- 968 – The first Balkan campaign of Prince Svyatoslav
- 969-971pp. – the second Balkan campaign of Prince Svyatoslav
- 988 – The beginning of the introduction of Christianity as the state religion of Kievan Rus by Prince Vladimir
- 1036 – The defeat of the Pechenegs near Kyiv by Prince Yaroslav the Wise
- 1054 – The first mention in the annals of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery
- 1054–1113 – Meeting of the three brothers Yaroslavich – Izyaslav, Svyatoslav and Vsevolod
- 1068 – Uprising in Kyiv against the Yaroslavichs
- 1097 – Lubetz Congress of Princes
- 1113 – Popular uprising in Kyiv
- 1113 – Adoption of the “Charter” of Vladimir Monomakh
Kievan Rus in times of fragmentation. Galicia-Volyn State
- 1152-1187 – Strengthening of the Galician principality under the rule of Yaroslav Osmomysl
- 1169 – Capture and ruin of Kyiv by the united army of 12 Russian princes, led by Andrey Bogolyubsky
- 1185 – The unsuccessful campaign of the Novgorod-Seversky prince Igor Svyatoslavich against the Polovtsy, which became the basis for the poem “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”
- 1187 – The first annalistic mention of the name “Ukraine” in relation to the lands of the South Kiev region and Pereyaslav region
- 1199 – Unification of Galicia and Volyn lands by the Volyn prince Roman Mstislavich
- 1206-1238 – formation of the Galicia-Volyn principality Period of civil strife, boyar conspiracies and foreign interference in Galicia-Volyn affairs
- May 31, 1223 – Battle on the Kalka River
- 1238 – Approval of Prince Daniel Romanovich in Galich. The defeat of the knights-crusaders near Dorohochyn by the army of Daniil Galitsky
- 1239 – Devastation by the Mongols of Pereyaslavl and Chernihiv lands
- Late November – early December 1240 – Siege and capture of Kyiv by the troops of the Mongol Khan Batu
- December 1240 – March 1241 – The ruin of the lands of the Kyiv and Galicia-Volyn principalities by the Mongols
- August 17, 1245 – Battle of Yaroslavl
- 1253 – Coronation of Daniel of Galicia by the ambassadors of Pope Innocent IV
- 1264 – Death of Danil of Galicia
- 1264-1301 – The reign of Lev Danilovich (son of Daniel of Galicia) in the Galician and Przemysl lands
- 1269-1288 – The reign of Vladimir Vasilkovich (son of Vasilko Romanovich, brother of Daniel of Galicia) in Volhynia
- 1301-1308(15)pp. – the reign of Yuri and Lvovich, who united under his rule all the lands of the Galicia-Volyn state
- 1315–1323 – Reigning in the Galicia-Volyn principality of Andrei and Leo II Yuryevich
- 1324–1340 – Reigning in the Galicia-Volyn state of the Mazovian prince Boleslav Yuri II
- 1340 – Death of Yuri II. The first campaign of the Polish king Casimir III to Lvov. Start of the fight for
Galician-Volynian lands between Lithuania and Poland - 1349 p. – the campaign of the Polish king Casimir III to Galicia-Volyn Rus and the conquest of most of its lands
Political structure, socio-economic, cultural development of Kievan Rus and the Galicia-Volyn state in the IX-XIV centuries.
- 992-996 – Construction of the Church of the Tithes in Kyiv
- 1037 – Construction of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv
- 1037-1039 – At the Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, a chronicle was created, called the oldest Kyiv code
- 1056–1057 – Creation of the “Ostromir Gospel” – the oldest of the books that have survived to this day
- 1073, 1076 – Creation of “Izborniki” for Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich
- 1108 – Founding by the grandson of Yaroslav the Wise Svyatopolk St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery in Kyiv
- 1113 – Nestor, a monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, completed writing the chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years”
- 1117 – Conclusion of “Instructions” by Vladimir Monomakh
- Around 1200 – Construction of the Church of St. Panteleimon in Galich
- 1230s – Writing “Words about the death of the Russian land”
- 1256 – The first chronicle mention of the city of Lvov
- Second half of the 13th century – The conclusion of the Galicia-Volyn chronicle, containing two independent parts: Galician (1201 – 1261) and Volyn (1262-1292)
- 1324 – The first written mention of the power in the Ukrainian lands (in Vladimir-Volynsky) of Magdeburg law
Ukrainian lands within the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and other states (second half of the 14th – mid-16th centuries)
- 1349 – Accession to the Hungarian kingdom of the Shipinskaya land (Bukovina)
- 1352 – The conclusion of the Polish-Lithuanian agreement, according to which Galicia and part of Podolia went to the Kingdom of Poland, and Volhynia and Beresteyskaya land to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
- 1359 – the formation of the Moldavian principality and the inclusion of Shipinskaya land (Bukovina) into it
- 1362 – the defeat of the Tatar army by the Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd in the battle of Blue Waters and their expulsion from Ukrainian lands. Accession to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Kiev region, Podolia and Pereyaslav region
- August 14, 1385 – Conclusion of the Union of Kreva
- 1387 – The final annexation of Galicia to the Kingdom of Poland
- 1393 – Accession of Podolia to the Kingdom of Poland
- August 12, 1399 – the defeat of the Lithuanian-Russian army, led by Prince Vitovt, in the battle with the Horde on the Vorskla River
- July 15, 1410 – Battle of Grunwald (Battle of Tanenberg)
- October 2, 1413 – Conclusion of the Union of Gorodel
- July 1416 – The ruin of Kyiv by the Nogai horde of Khan Edigei
- 1435 – Battle of Vilkomir (modern city of Ukmergė in Lithuania)
- 1443 – separation of the Crimean Khanate from the Golden Horde
- 1447 – The first attack of the troops of the Crimean Khan on Ukrainian lands
- 1449 p. – Formation of the Crimean Khanate.
- 1458 p. – division of the Kyiv metropolis into Kyiv and Moscow.
- 1463 – The first mention of the existence of the Dormition Orthodox Brotherhood in Lviv
- 1481 – “Conspiracy of Russian princes”
- 1482 – The ruin of Kyiv by the hordes of the Crimean Khan Mengli Giray
- 1489 – The first mention of the Ukrainian Cossacks in written sources.
- 1490-1492 – organization of a peasant uprising in Bukovina and Pokuttya.
- 1492 – Documentary mention of the Cossacks in a letter from the Grand Duke of Lithuania Alexander Kazimirovich to the Crimean Khan Mengli Giray
- 1508 – The uprising of Mikhail Glinsky
- 1526 – The capture of the western part of Transcarpathia by the Austrian Habsburgs, the eastern part – by the Transylvanian principality
- 1529 – Adoption of the First Lithuanian charter
- 1529 – Introduction of the First Lithuanian Rule
- 1555 (1556) – The construction of a defense castle on the island of Malaya Khortitsa by Dmitry Vishnevenky
- 1557 – Adoption of the “Charters for Portage”.
- 1566 – Adoption of the Second Lithuanian charter.