Basic programming concepts: Python, HTML and CSS
Web programming training. Starting to learn programming, the guys are faced with a huge number of new terms. Python, HTML, CSS… What does it all mean? Where can I find a sensible answer without vocabulary? The answer is obvious: of course in GoMother😉
Web programming training for kids
HTML is a hypertext markup language. The main text, headings and lists, other things that give the appearance of the site, programmers create using this markup language. It is the base of study for anyone who wants to learn how to work with sites, develop them and sell them as finished projects. Of course, we study HTML in the course on programming for children.
But, you see, just text on an empty page is boring. I want beautiful fonts and interesting callouts. A “live” site attracts much more than just a page on one HTML. So, in order to make the site speak to visitors, programmers use CSS. Today, CSS is the sibling of the hypertext markup language. In their joint existence, real masterpieces appear.
Free web development training – where do kids start?
Python is, directly, the programming language with which we write our sites. It is distinguished not only by its incredible popularity, but also by its simplicity. It is from learning the Python programming language immediately after Scratch that our students enter the fascinating world of IT. After mastering it, you can fully work, or you can “reinforce” your portfolio with other languages like JavaScript. In our programming courses, children learn both of them, and in the future they choose the best qualities of each and skillfully combine them in their work.
Where are professional coding courses for teenagers?
Programming is not easy. But GoMother has long picked up the key to this craft. It’s simple: the main thing is to come to our school and touch the basics of IT. After the first lesson, the guys return home with burning eyes and a wide smile. This is because we are not a typical school. Our teachers are friends for your child.