How to motivate a child to learn?
Children are born with a desire to learn and a determination to try again and again, even after failure. For example, a baby who, with amazing persistence, gets up after every fall, trying to take his first independent step. The first words spoken by a baby give him great joy. Learning new skills brings great pleasure and fulfillment. The motivation to learn often fades as a child grows. Why does this happen? Is it possible to support this innate instinct to acquire knowledge and useful skills?
Motivation to learn: what is it?
According to psychologists, motivation is formed during personality development. This means that we can teach ourselves and our children to properly motivate their attitude towards certain activities, such as learning. But before we discuss how to do this, we must understand what motivation means and what role it plays in our lives.
Motivation from internal motives
According to psychologists, motivation is a state that includes internal and external stimuli that encourage a person to achieve a certain goal. In other words, when we are motivated, we do it, but when we are motivated, we don’t.
In learning, a child’s motivation plays an important role. A child who is motivated to learn usually achieves great success in mastering knowledge. She studies because it interests her, and she sees the meaning and purpose of her work. Enjoyment of the process and the value of learning are important, not just the desire to get high grades. If the student’s only incentive is a grade, learning will usually be mechanical and ineffective, and results may be short-lived. Motivation should come from the child’s internal needs, and not arise from external pressure.
How can you develop motivation to learn in children?
To begin with, care must be taken not to miss opportunities to promote children’s curiosity about the world around them. We have the opportunity to answer our children’s questions, especially when they give us numerous “Why?”, “How does it work?” and for what?”. It is important to understand that these questions are not posed to throw us off balance. But to satisfy the child’s curiosity about the world around him. Therefore, it is important to have patience and answer their questions as accurately and clearly as possible. If we don’t know the answer, we can show the child how to find information. For example on the Internet, atlases, or encyclopedias. This can be the first step towards properly motivating your child to gain knowledge.
Enjoyment of learning
The next step is to show children that learning is not just a duty, but great pleasure and admiration. Family viewing of educational programs, reading books, going to museums, or learning about the history of landmarks are just a few examples of possible entertainment. But it’s important not to expect your child to be delighted with all these measures. Each child has his interests. It is important to identify and support their abilities and interests. We learn better and faster what interests us and gives us pleasure. Therefore, if your child is interested in nature and not interested in mathematics, you should allow him to devote time and attention to what he likes. However, it is also important to assist in mastering other subjects, including those that are not so easy to come by. This will help develop self-confidence and belief in your abilities, which are key factors in overcoming difficulties in learning and later life.
Child’s interest in learning
When a child enters school, it is important to create motivation for learning all subjects. The main goal is to restore the child’s interest in learning in general. We should not expect her to excel in all subjects, but we should show her that learning is beneficial. When we identify unhealthy demands in the school curriculum or the incompetence of some teachers, we should not discuss it in front of children. Criticism of the authority of a school or teacher, especially in the initial stages of education, can deprive a child of motivation to conquer a system denied by her parents. It can also become an excuse for avoiding homework or studying: “I don’t want to do it because the teacher is bad and it’s pointless.”
Not too hard, not too easy
In learning, a sense of competence plays an important role in motivation. We tend to admire what we are good at. If a child considers a task too difficult and beyond his capabilities, he may lose the desire to complete it. In this case, you need to help the child understand the causes of the difficulties. Maybe she just doesn’t understand what to do. Sometimes small steps can be very effective: “We don’t have to read the whole book today, just read a few pages,” “If math problems seem difficult, let’s start with simple and easy ones.”
Sometimes the child is overloaded with tasks. In this case, he needs help determining where to start. Usually starting with an easy task or favorite subject, you can achieve success, motivating for further action. However, it must be remembered that tasks that are too simple can be boring and do not stimulate the child to acquire new skills.
System of rewards and punishments in education
A system of rewards and punishments is important in raising a child. However, when it comes to learning motivation, you need to be careful. It would be best if you did not allow a situation where the child expects a reward for every high grade, since this may direct his motivation to the grades. And not the learning process itself. Also, punishment for bad grades can cause a riot right away.
Creating comfortable conditions
Motivation to learn also depends on the conditions we create. A cozy nook with a stylish desk where your child can study in peace can make him feel like he’s “ruling” his kingdom. Buying school supplies and things your child likes will also positively contribute to the child’s desire to sit down and do homework.
Unconditional love
The key to success, not only in teaching but in education in general, is love and acceptance. When parents accept their child, regardless of behavior and grades, the child feels in a comfortable atmosphere. But he grows up to be an open personality with an interest in new things and without fear of showing his abilities.
Motivation to study at GoMother IT school is the result of learning! While studying programming, our students create their games and websites depending on the coding language. That is, from the first lesson, the child sees that learning opens up new opportunities to create their project, inspiring them to explore the world of IT further.
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