The main directions of IT industry and to whom they are most suitable
The main directions of IT industry and to whom they are most suitable
The main directions of the IT industry. In the next few years, artificial intelligence can replace bank employees, accountants, translators, economists, and other workers whose duties can be automated.
At the same time, dynamic IT development creates new jobs for young professionals. Technology-related skills are always required in the labour market.
To work in IT is not to be able to program. There are many promising areas that you can begin to develop today.
Main activities in the field of information technology
To begin with, let’s highlight the directions of IT activities. These include:
In each direction there are IT professions corresponding to certain skills. Let’s try to describe them briefly.
In IT development, the most famous profession is, of course, programmer (engaged in the creation of computer programs, algorithms, websites). The programming profession is divided into many names from programming languages (Java, PHP, JavaScript, JavaAndroid, etc.), for example:
- The Java programmer creates complex applications using this programming language. Java is used to develop corporate applications and video games, Android apps for smartphones and tablets;
- PHP programmer – developer using this, the most common programming language to date. It is very simple to learn and able to meet the needs of professionals;
- Tester – checks IT-product for various problems and inaccuracies in use, searches «bugs». For example, QA automation monitors the quality of the product at different stages of its development, testing and operation, as well as programmers, engaged in development, only it creates a product to test written by programmers.
With the direction of IT design is easier. Here you can distinguish the following professions:
- web designer – artist with a technical mind. It can be said that its task is to create an attractive and convenient web design and interface, which, in turn, are indicators of quality software;
- web-design UX – includes information architecture, interaction design, graphic design and content;
- UI web design is a narrower concept, including a certain set of graphically designed technical elements (buttons, checkboxes, selectors and other fields). Its purpose is to help the user to organize interaction with the program/site.
With IT management in general «everything is simple»: IT-director, project manager and product manager. Be a computer genius, a good manager, create and manage.
The direction of IT marketing is already more diverse:
- SMM-manager – engaged in product promotion in social networks;
- SEO specialist – promotes sites in the network;
- Internet marketer – promotes the brand on the Internet;
- PR-manager – specialist in advertising and public relations.
IT support is quite a big and important «piece» of IT industry. This includes:
- database administrator – develops and maintains the database;
- system administrator or sysadmin – monitors the correct operation of computers and software;
- information security specialist – invents systems that ensure the safety of information of different levels;
- network administrator – designs networks and configures infocomm;
- CRM-manager – builds relations with clients.
In IT-analytics we can distinguish system analytics, developing IT-system working on improvement of business efficiency, web analytics analyzing user behavior on the site, and analytics Big Data studying large data sets in science and business.
The modern market of IT-technologies is also inconceivable without the work of HR-specialists and recruiters, their sphere of activity includes the selection of personnel. Choosing the right candidate can help increase productivity, profits, and employee loyalty.